The Annual General Meeting 2025
According to the provisions of § 90 of the ‘Vinnufelagslógini’ (the Faroese Company Law) P/F Atlantic Petroleum (Reg. no. 2695) hereby announces that the Company’s Annual General Meeting is scheduled to Wednesday the 30th April 2025.
Items from the shareholders to be added to the Annual General Meeting agenda must be filed in writing to the Company’s board, P.O. Box 1228, Lucas Debesargøta 8, 110 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands, or to the e-mail address at the latest on Tuesday 18th March 2025, in order to meet the requirements for demanding that the specific item is added to the agenda for the meeting. If demands are received later than 18th March 2024 the Board decides whether the demand has been put forward in due time to be put on the agenda for the meeting.
P/F Atlantic Petroleum
Lucas Debesargøta 8
P.O. Box 1228
110 Tórshavn
Ársaðalfundurin 2025
Við hesum almannakunnger P/F Atlantic Petroleum (P/F nr. 2695) sambært ásetingunum í § 90 í Vinnufelagslógini, at aðalfundardagurin fyri vanliga ársaðalfund felagsins er mikudagin, hin 30. apríl 2025.
Krøv frá partaeigarum felagsins um at taka upp ávíst evni til dagsskránna á fundinum skulu verða sett fram skrivliga fyri nevnd felagsins á bústaðnum postboks 1228, Lucas Debesargøta 8, 110 Tórshavn, Føroyar, ella á teldubrævabústaðnum, í seinasta lagi týsdagin, hin 18. mars 2023, skulu viðkomandi partaeigarar hava krav uppá at fáa ávís evni við á dagsskránna fyri fundin. Móttekur felagið kravið eftir tann 18. mars 2024, ger nevndin av, um kravið er sett fram í so góðari tíð, at evnið kann verða sett á dagsskránna.
P/F Atlantic Petroleum
Lucas Debesargøta 8
Boks 1228
110 Tórshavn